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Ken je dat ...

Ken je dat ...
Dat gevoel ...

Een sfeer die er hangt ...
Of je wellicht zelf creëert ...

Een gevoel van een ander ...
Waarin je jezelf in mee sleurt ...

Dat is een gevoel ...
Een gevoel wat een gevoelsmens herkent ...

Word je er zelf blij van ...
Nee, maar dit betekent wel
dat je je goed in een ander kan verdiepen ...

Net wanneer je zelf ook niet jezelf bent ...
Je krijgt een naar gevoel ...

Het zweet breekt je uit ...
Je hart klopt door heel je lichaam ...

Maar je kan niks doen ...
Dat gevoel ...

Dat gevoel, kan je niet uitleggen ...
Je wilt zoveel maar doet niks ...

Je wilt zoveel ...
Maar durft niks ...

Dat gevoel ...
Dat je je gewoon even helemaal naar voelt om een ander...

En dat zonder te weten wat er is ...

Door kelseyy110397 op 30-10-2018 om 09:58 0 1681
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Without any choice..
I came in a roller coaster again.. Do I like this one..
No, I don't like this one at all..
People ask me what happened..
I can tell you.. and I am not afraid to tell you
my story about my roller coaster..
The only problem is.. you can't do something about it..
So I can tell you.. you can listen..
but that's the only thing you can do for me..
And that is okay.. but please stop telling me everything will be okay..
You don't know.. I don't know.. We don't know..
The only thing we can do is wait..
Waiting for an answer..
An answer we both can do something with..
Please let me feel like I feel
and don't blame me when I don't know things yet..

Thank you!

Door kelseyy110397 op 08-11-2016 om 22:57 0 2373
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Mixed feelings

I don't know if someone agrees with me..
Everyone knows you as a bad guy..
They have seen the bad things you did..
The things that were not fair..
But you did it..
They don't look further than that..
They only remember that thing..
And I'm not sure If I know you better than that..
But I'm sure of the things we did..
The things we shared together..
Nobody saw you inside the room..
But I did..
And I am not defending you.. No I'm not.
Cause what you did was wrong..
But I'm still thinking about what we shared..
And that's difficult..
Cause I can't share that feeling with someone else...
Someone else who truly understands me,
or understands it, or even better,
someone who understands us.

Door kelseyy110397 op 17-10-2016 om 23:33 0 2598
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Automatische piloot..

Ken je dat gevoel na slecht nieuws..
Dat je gewoon door gaat met leven.. doorgaat op je automatische piloot..
Totdat het besef er is was je nu eigenlijk allemaal aan het doen bent..
Vrienden weg duwen die je eigenlijk het liefst naast je wilt hebben..
Praten terwijl je eigenlijk wilt schreeuwen..
Lachen terwijl je eigenlijk al dagen wilt huilen..

Het besef krijgen dat je eigenlijk bang bent..
Bang bent voor wat nog komen gaat..

Hoe fijn zal het zijn dat gevoel gewoon weg te spoelen..
Heerlijk met heet water, wat zeep en gewoon je gedachten op nul..

Helaas gaan de dingen niet zoals je altijd wilt..
Maar besef wel dat het goed is om je gevoel te laten gaan..
En dat de vrienden die je wegduwt altijd voor je klaar blijven staan..

Door kelseyy110397 op 04-10-2016 om 22:26 0 2266
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Can't understand

Why, I can't understand it!
We didn't spoke each other for a couple of months
and after those months you came back
We started to see each other again
after al those months
we laughed with each other
spoke with each other
we just had a lot of fun together
but it's not the way it was before
the feeling what we had
it wasn't there

We spoke each other after that wonderful day at the beach
and we both were thinking the same thing
we're better of without each other
better being friends

But why can't my mind understand that?
cus my heart left you
but my mind still thinks about you
even when I know this is the best thing we can do
I am still thinking about the times we spent together
the feeling you gave me
but when we are together now
it isn't the same feeling anymore,
but why can't my mind understand that?
It is so frustrating
And so annoying

Door kelseyy110397 op 25-01-2016 om 11:08 0 2687
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Choices, the things we make everyday..
It starts every morning with a small thing..
What am I going to wear today? Which shoes will I put on?
What kind of study will I do, what kind of work will I do,
Just your future choices,
But when do we make the good choices?
You will never know when you make the
‘good' or 'bad' one..
Cause if you choose the good one..
You will never know the other side of your choice..
The ‘bad' one..
Just choose what feels right for you..
Every change is a choice.. Always remember that!

Door kelseyy110397 op 25-11-2015 om 21:53 0 2783
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I can still look at your pictures for a long time,
not because you're perfect but every time I look at you I see the memories,
the good ones and they still make me fall in love with 'those memories'

Door kelseyy110397 op 23-10-2015 om 19:21 0 2734
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From lover to friends

You loved someone
But he or she broke your heart
After weeks, months or maybe years
Spending time together
Spoke every single day to each other
And then... nothing
After weeks turning off each other
You spoke again with him or her
Decide to act normal
Just being friends
And after spending time together
Just the normal way
You are so happy with it
Because it is possible
From friends to lovers
From lovers to friends
But then there is one moment
Because you are still caring
And a moment you are
still missing the love moments!

Door kelseyy110397 op 03-06-2015 om 21:35 0 2836
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Sometimes you have to be hard for yourself
Just for your self-respect
Because one thing
The most important thing in life
Is to put yourself on number one
And respecting yourself
Just for who you are
Just for who you want to be

Door kelseyy110397 op 02-06-2015 om 01:46 0 2993
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Do you know the feeling
The feeling of good music
Lonely sitting for an open window
In my case an open caravan door
Listening to good music
Music what exactly describes your feelings
Enjoying your day off in silence
Just with you and the music
Repeating the song a thousand times
And looking outside
The wind into the trees
The birds whistling
Every word in a song
You think about it
About life
About love
About your future
Just enjoy every moment
Before you let it go

Door kelseyy110397 op 28-05-2015 om 14:11 0 2920
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Those feelings..
You gave something important,
something personal, something special
And at the end it was something special, just for you
They don't give a shit anymore
They don't give a shit about it about you
You didn't feel so good,
but you can't explain the feelings
When you are around nice people,
your mood can change in a second
It can change with one action
And all those feelings,
all those mood changes,
just because of one person!

Door kelseyy110397 op 26-05-2015 om 00:51 0 2885
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Morning vs night

The start of your day
The start of a fresh mind
The start of happiness
But, then the...
The start of thinking
The start of shit feelings
The start of crying
In the morning you are alright
but the nights aren't good at all
But life is life...
A bad morning doesn't mean a bad day
A bad night full of thinking
doesn't mean you are not happy...
It just means you are strong enough
to push the bad things away
for a brand new day full of smiling
and doing your work like always
And at the end of the day
you can feel like shit again
Again... and again...

Door kelseyy110397 op 26-05-2015 om 00:50 0 2834
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They don't need you

That stupid feeling..
Those stupid feelings..

You are caring too much about some people..
Some people who don't understand that stupid feeling..

You want to help someone..
But they won't let you in their problems..

They won't tell you what happened..
And you just felt hopeless..

Even when it isn't possible to fix their problem..
You're still trying to fix it..

You tried to help them..
But they don't understand..

That hopeless feeling makes you sad..
Because you care..

And you know you don't need to know everything..
But it feels like shit when you can't help..

You need to accept 'no, I don't need you'..
Or 'I don't want you to help me'..

Even when they are crying..
Even when you see they aren't okay..

You can try so hard..
But if they won't it..

Just let it go..
Don't feel yourself hopeless..

Don't make their problems your problem..
Because it isn't your thing..

You don't know what it is.
Stop caring that much..

Just be proud you tried..
Tried to help them..

Door kelseyy110397 op 13-03-2015 om 08:51 1 3010
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Ken je dat gevoel?
Dat gevoel wat je niet zo makkelijk kan beschrijven?
Gewoon dat je even weg bent van de wereld,
weg van wie jij eigenlijk bent?
Niet wetende wat je allemaal aan het doen bent?
En de dingen die je doet, gaan niet helemaal hoe het moet?
Je hoofd zit te vol en slaat daarvan op hol!
School, liefde, thuis, alles is wel een probleem.
Maakt niet uit waar je bent, hoe je bent,
er is altijd wel wat, kijk maar om je heen.
Dat gevoel van waarom voel ik me zo?
Ik heb het goed, er zijn genoeg mensen die willen ruilen!
Maar in plaats van zo denken lig je te huilen?
Tranen die lopen over je wangen,
en hoofdpijn van het druk maken om niks
en je rot voelen om dat gevoel?
Lachen.. dat is je masker.
Die bijna niemand ziet
Je kleine probleempjes waar je tegen aan loopt opkroppen
tot dat je vol zit.. en weer opnieuw begint.
Waarom? Waarom? Voel ik me zo?
Die vraag herhaalt zich elke keer maar weer.
En elke keer kan je die vraag maar niet zelf beantwoorden.

Door kelseyy110397 op 01-04-2014 om 22:18 0 2416
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Laatste keer

Tranen laat ik gaan.
Als ik je daar zie staan.

Terug denk aan het moment dat ik je moest laten gaan.
En keek ik je na uit het raam.

Niet sterk genoeg om te blijven leven.
En die kracht die niemand jou kon geven.

Elke minuut koste jou kracht.
En elke minuut dat ik aan jou dacht.

Het beter voor jou zal zijn.
Bracht ons alleen maar pijn.

En nu je weg bent.
En niemand je meer kent.

Mis ik je nog elke dag.
En denk aan de laatste keer dat ik je zag!

Door kelseyy110397 op 07-08-2013 om 21:39 0 2885
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