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Bekijk het gedicht Rollercoaster, geplaatst door kelseyy110397.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'leven'.


Without any choice..
I came in a roller coaster again.. Do I like this one..
No, I don't like this one at all..
People ask me what happened..
I can tell you.. and I am not afraid to tell you
my story about my roller coaster..
The only problem is.. you can't do something about it..
So I can tell you.. you can listen..
but that's the only thing you can do for me..
And that is okay.. but please stop telling me everything will be okay..
You don't know.. I don't know.. We don't know..
The only thing we can do is wait..
Waiting for an answer..
An answer we both can do something with..
Please let me feel like I feel
and don't blame me when I don't know things yet..

Thank you!

Door kelseyy110397 op 08-11-2016 om 22:57 0 2367
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