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Bekijk het gedicht They don't need you, geplaatst door kelseyy110397.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'vertrouwen'.

They don't need you

That stupid feeling..
Those stupid feelings..

You are caring too much about some people..
Some people who don't understand that stupid feeling..

You want to help someone..
But they won't let you in their problems..

They won't tell you what happened..
And you just felt hopeless..

Even when it isn't possible to fix their problem..
You're still trying to fix it..

You tried to help them..
But they don't understand..

That hopeless feeling makes you sad..
Because you care..

And you know you don't need to know everything..
But it feels like shit when you can't help..

You need to accept 'no, I don't need you'..
Or 'I don't want you to help me'..

Even when they are crying..
Even when you see they aren't okay..

You can try so hard..
But if they won't it..

Just let it go..
Don't feel yourself hopeless..

Don't make their problems your problem..
Because it isn't your thing..

You don't know what it is.
Stop caring that much..

Just be proud you tried..
Tried to help them..

Door kelseyy110397 op 13-03-2015 om 08:51 1 2992
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Jolien schreef op 16-05-2015 om 15:48

Beautiful! 5 sterren van mij!

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