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Bekijk het gedicht Morning vs night, geplaatst door kelseyy110397.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'leven'.

Morning vs night

The start of your day
The start of a fresh mind
The start of happiness
But, then the...
The start of thinking
The start of shit feelings
The start of crying
In the morning you are alright
but the nights aren't good at all
But life is life...
A bad morning doesn't mean a bad day
A bad night full of thinking
doesn't mean you are not happy...
It just means you are strong enough
to push the bad things away
for a brand new day full of smiling
and doing your work like always
And at the end of the day
you can feel like shit again
Again... and again...

Door kelseyy110397 op 26-05-2015 om 00:50 0 2836
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