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Bekijk het gedicht Can't understand, geplaatst door kelseyy110397.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'ex-liefde'.

Can't understand

Why, I can't understand it!
We didn't spoke each other for a couple of months
and after those months you came back
We started to see each other again
after al those months
we laughed with each other
spoke with each other
we just had a lot of fun together
but it's not the way it was before
the feeling what we had
it wasn't there

We spoke each other after that wonderful day at the beach
and we both were thinking the same thing
we're better of without each other
better being friends

But why can't my mind understand that?
cus my heart left you
but my mind still thinks about you
even when I know this is the best thing we can do
I am still thinking about the times we spent together
the feeling you gave me
but when we are together now
it isn't the same feeling anymore,
but why can't my mind understand that?
It is so frustrating
And so annoying

Door kelseyy110397 op 25-01-2016 om 11:08 0 2678
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