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Freestyle Gedichten

Gedichten langer dan 160 tekens.

To My Former Muse

I decided that it's time to part our ways
We've been holding on to the fantasy of what we could've been
And if I don't cut you off we will continue to do so until the end of our days

And although this hurts
I'm so sure we will both grow from this time apart
No growth ever came from a comfort zone
And only time can heal a broken heart

Our love has filled so many pages
so many poems wrote itself
You made it so easy
But it's time to put the final book on the shelf

So since this is our final goodbye
You will no longer be my muse
I will no longer write my poems about you
And I will let you loose

Door TRUE op 11-06-2024 om 11:53 0 238
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Last Sunday

On a sad Sunday with a hundred white flowers,

I was waiting for you, my dear, with a church prayer.
That dream-chasing Sunday morning,

the chariot of my sadness returned without you.
Ever since then, Sundays are always sad, 
tears are my drink,
and sorrow is my bread... 
Sad Sunday.
Last Sunday, my dear, please come along, 

there will even be priest, coffin, catafalque, hearse-cloth.

Even then flowers will be awaiting you, flowers and coffin.

Under blossoming trees my journey shall be the last.
My eyes will be open, so that I can see you one more time.

Do not be afraid of my eyes,
as I am blessing you even in my death... 
Last Sunday.

Door Brandweermanon op 25-01-2017 om 18:37 0 2577
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Mixed feelings

I don't know if someone agrees with me..
Everyone knows you as a bad guy..
They have seen the bad things you did..
The things that were not fair..
But you did it..
They don't look further than that..
They only remember that thing..
And I'm not sure If I know you better than that..
But I'm sure of the things we did..
The things we shared together..
Nobody saw you inside the room..
But I did..
And I am not defending you.. No I'm not.
Cause what you did was wrong..
But I'm still thinking about what we shared..
And that's difficult..
Cause I can't share that feeling with someone else...
Someone else who truly understands me,
or understands it, or even better,
someone who understands us.

Door kelseyy110397 op 17-10-2016 om 23:33 0 2615
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I think the saddest word
in the whole wide world
is almost
He was almost in love
She was almost good enough for him
He almost stopped her
She almost waited
She almost lived
They almost made it

Door naomi op 19-03-2016 om 19:08 0 2896
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Personal story

I feel like an idiot.
I feel broken, empty.
Hearing you say those words.
"I never want to be your boyfriend"
I still can't believe you said it to me,
with a big smile on your stupid face.
It felt like you ripped my heart out
and threw it at the ground.
And I'll pick up all the pieces
and I'll put them back in your hands.
Cause that's how much I love you.
I care about you, more than about myself.
You don't have any reason to be mad at me.
You broke my heart.
And I hate myself, because I can't hate you.
It hurts like hell.
And you don't even see, you don't even care.

Door mylifeaslil op 21-02-2016 om 21:49 0 2705
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Can't understand

Why, I can't understand it!
We didn't spoke each other for a couple of months
and after those months you came back
We started to see each other again
after al those months
we laughed with each other
spoke with each other
we just had a lot of fun together
but it's not the way it was before
the feeling what we had
it wasn't there

We spoke each other after that wonderful day at the beach
and we both were thinking the same thing
we're better of without each other
better being friends

But why can't my mind understand that?
cus my heart left you
but my mind still thinks about you
even when I know this is the best thing we can do
I am still thinking about the times we spent together
the feeling you gave me
but when we are together now
it isn't the same feeling anymore,
but why can't my mind understand that?
It is so frustrating
And so annoying

Door kelseyy110397 op 25-01-2016 om 11:08 0 2701
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I can still look at your pictures for a long time,
not because you're perfect but every time I look at you I see the memories,
the good ones and they still make me fall in love with 'those memories'

Door kelseyy110397 op 23-10-2015 om 19:21 0 2749
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From lover to friends

You loved someone
But he or she broke your heart
After weeks, months or maybe years
Spending time together
Spoke every single day to each other
And then... nothing
After weeks turning off each other
You spoke again with him or her
Decide to act normal
Just being friends
And after spending time together
Just the normal way
You are so happy with it
Because it is possible
From friends to lovers
From lovers to friends
But then there is one moment
Because you are still caring
And a moment you are
still missing the love moments!

Door kelseyy110397 op 03-06-2015 om 21:35 0 2851
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I ignored the signs
Telling me you were wild
I loved you so foolishly
That I opened your cage
I was still surprised
As you tore through my bones
And smiled
With my beating heart in your mouth

Door naomi op 29-05-2015 om 20:10 0 2775
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Maybe later

Maybe we'll meet again
when are slightly older
and our minds are less hectic
and I'll be right for you
and you'll be right for me
But right now
I am chaos to your thoughts
and you are poison to my heart

Door naomi op 21-05-2015 om 16:17 0 2961
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You deserve better then a player like that

I don't know why or how,
but for you everything seems so simple,
like you've done it all before.
Making someone feel special,
making them fall for you and then you drop them,
it's like you planned it,
you knew it was going to hurt me,
but it didn't stop you.
Sometimes I still think of you,
we may have not spoken in a while,
but if you texted me tonight
saying you miss me,
oh boy I would tell you I love you,
because I actually do.
I used to think you we're to good for me,
I mean, look at you,
you can get everyone you want,
but yet you choose me.
I felt special. I did.
But I always ended up crying,
you ended up lying,
but that doesn't change the fact I loved you,
I still love you and I always will,
but you're just not worth it anymore.
And I won't fight, cry,
fall over some player like you.
So here's the deal,
don't come back saying
it was a mistake and you miss me,
boy, the only mistake here are you.

Door _lisaWinters op 19-01-2015 om 17:09 0 2988
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I don't need you anymore

I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough,
What am I supposed to do
Sit around and wait for you
And I can't do that.
There's no turning back.
I need time to move on.
I need love to feel strong.
'Cause I've had time to think it through.
And maybe I'm too good for you!
But I know that I'll get through this
'Cause I know that I am strong ...
I don't need you anymore!

Door Liené op 10-01-2015 om 12:32 0 3130
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I'm done

I'm not going to stress over you anymore
It isn't worth it
I tried to work something out
But you just didn't notice
I'm not trying to say I don't love you anymore
'cause I definitely do
All that I'm trying to say is
that I'm done chasing after you

Door naomi op 15-04-2014 om 19:40 0 3078
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She wanted

She wanted something else
Something different
Something more.
Passion and romance perhaps
Or maybe quiet conversations in candlelight rooms
Or perhaps something as simple as not being second...

Door xjipx op 12-07-2013 om 09:08 0 3360
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Broke my heart in pieces

I loved you, I trusted you.
But now I see you hurt me.

I loved you, until you broke my heart
into a hundred pieces.

You made me stronger,
because I pushed you away.

And you told me I was wrong,
but I know I was the person who was strong.

Babe, I'll go and I'll say so,
move on and you were wrong.

Door wendy# op 06-07-2013 om 23:20 0 3314
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We had it all

We had it all,
It was your call,
We took the fall,
Now I got nothing,
Because you took everything,
I hate you,
I love you,
There was two,
But I got to undo,
You are gone,
Now there is one

Door DtjeWtje op 22-06-2013 om 17:00 0 3307
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Saying goodbye

I'm sorry that I have made you cry
I'm sorry that I broke your heart
This is me saying goodbye
This is me, giving you a brand new start

I am sorry for the pain I put you through
I am sorry for the tears I have made you cry
This me doing what I have to do
This is me saying goodbye

Door Savanna op 09-04-2012 om 11:35 0 3577
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Long list

Now, you told me on a Sunday
that it wasn't gonna work.
I tried to cry myself to sleep,
'cause it was supposed to hurt.
But I couldn't.
I woke up the next morning
with a smile on my face.
And a long list of gentlemen
happy to take your place.

Door naomi op 26-11-2011 om 15:07 0 3510
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I don't care anymore

You smile because you still think that you have me in your arms,
I know it's hard, but you need to accept that I don't love you
and I don't need you anymore.
GO AWAY.... I don't love you, I don't care anymore.

Door x11xO9x10x op 08-10-2011 om 17:47 0 3527
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You said i was the one

You said I was the one
but it wasn't true
When we broke up
you said you never loved me
You broke my heart
for the 9th time
No, I'm done with you
Go to your love!

Door loes op 07-08-2011 om 11:37 0 3263
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