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Bekijk het gedicht Last Sunday, geplaatst door Brandweermanon.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'ex-liefde'.

Last Sunday

On a sad Sunday with a hundred white flowers,

I was waiting for you, my dear, with a church prayer.
That dream-chasing Sunday morning,

the chariot of my sadness returned without you.
Ever since then, Sundays are always sad, 
tears are my drink,
and sorrow is my bread... 
Sad Sunday.
Last Sunday, my dear, please come along, 

there will even be priest, coffin, catafalque, hearse-cloth.

Even then flowers will be awaiting you, flowers and coffin.

Under blossoming trees my journey shall be the last.
My eyes will be open, so that I can see you one more time.

Do not be afraid of my eyes,
as I am blessing you even in my death... 
Last Sunday.

Door Brandweermanon op 25-01-2017 om 18:37 0 2549
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