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Bekijk het gedicht Personal story, geplaatst door mylifeaslil.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'ex-liefde'.

Personal story

I feel like an idiot.
I feel broken, empty.
Hearing you say those words.
"I never want to be your boyfriend"
I still can't believe you said it to me,
with a big smile on your stupid face.
It felt like you ripped my heart out
and threw it at the ground.
And I'll pick up all the pieces
and I'll put them back in your hands.
Cause that's how much I love you.
I care about you, more than about myself.
You don't have any reason to be mad at me.
You broke my heart.
And I hate myself, because I can't hate you.
It hurts like hell.
And you don't even see, you don't even care.

Door mylifeaslil op 21-02-2016 om 21:49 0 2681
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