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You cannot say no to life, you have to fight back and beat the odds, you gotta take your stand because nothing is stronger than you
Yeah, I'm single, but you're gonna have to be amazing to change that.
That sad moment when you realize that the trash goes out more than you do.
Flirting is a single person's way of saying 'I'm free!' but for those in relationships, it's their way of saying 'I'm bored.'
I would never cheat in a relationship because that would require two people to find me attractive.
Being single doesn't always mean lonely, just like being in a relationship doesn't always mean happy.
Dear gay men, Please stop being so much kinder, funnier, and more attractive than straight men. It's quite depressing.
Facebook really ought to change their relationship status option from Single to Single and Awesome.
There are seeds of self-destruction in all of us that will bear only unhappiness if allowed to grow.
Mozes trok 40 jaar door de woestijn omdat hij te trots was om de weg te vragen.
Afgunst staat gelijk aan toegeven dat je je minder voelt.
Don't run away from the hard times. 3
Je kan niet in mijn schoenen staan, ookal hebben we dezelfde schoenmaat
Once I'm with you, nobody else matters
When I'm up, my friends know who I am. When I'm down, I know who my real friends are.
Tanken is momenteel net als onveilige seks: slechts een druppel te veel en je bent financieel geruïneerd
That shit get's serious when I say that I love you
I'm my own worst enemy ...
The world says: All you have to change is everything you are
Everyday I fight a war against the mirror - I can't take the person staring back at me
Love ends when you stop caring, friendship ends when you stop sharing
Life stops when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing.
I can't live without her, I don't know how to breathe in and out when she's gone
The moment you realize that no matter what you do, it will never be good enough for him
Society kills us
Wat is liefde?? Liefde is als ik ik ben en jij jij bent en wij wij zijn <3
Soms hou je zoveel van iemand dat het gewoon pijn doet :$
Too scared to be alone... too scared to open up
Tegenwoordig kan je niet eens meer op je familie rekenen
Iemand zien vertrekken, is lastig. Het is nog moeilijker te denken aan het moment dat die beloofd had niet weg te gaan.
I am jealous of my parents because I'll never have a kid as cool as theirs
So if I typed idiot in Google, would your picture come up?
When I was a kid, 'you're not invited to my party' was the biggest insult
I found a reason for me, to change who I used to be, a reason to start over new, and the reason is you <3
Sinds jij aan mijn zij staat, weet ik wat echte liefde is! <33
Do you really love me?
Stand up for what you believe in, even if you're standing alone
I don't forgive people because I'm weak. I forgive people because I'm strong enough to know that people make mistakes.
You are the proof that love is beautiful.
You say it's love, but do you know how real love feels?