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You know I said it's true. I can feel the love, can you feel it too? ♥
I don't know if your worth it, but I'm gonna find it out!
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
You hurt me, I wanna hurt you, but I won't, I love u too much...
Your Smile Wipes That Bitch Her Face Clean ;)
Who can heal my broken heart? 3
Ik verlang zo naar een knuffel en lieve woorden van jou, wanneer kom je nou naar me toe en zeg je '' Ik hou van jou''?
Het leven was voor jou zwaar en daarom heb je het geëindigd :( Verdomme, ik ga verschrikkelijk missen :(
Ik zag dat je deze kant op keek en ik heel blij en d8, miss maak ik toch kans, maar toen besefte ik dat zij voor mij zat. :( :'(
Waarom Moeten De Boys Waar Ik Van Hou Altijd Onbereikbaar Zijn???? :( :'(
Beste Cupido, het zou helpen als je twee pijlen schiet, in plaats van één
Every brunette needs a blond best friend, right? ♥
You used to be the reason why I smile every morning, now you're the reason why I cry at night.
That feeling when the one you love is in love with someone else.... It's a living hell.
There are two types of people in this world, people who masturbate and liars.
Words hurt you more than anything else, because they last, and sometimes FOREVER.
Second chances: When it just didn't hurt enough the first time.
The one thing I hate more than being alone, is being ignored. I'd much rather have you just tell me you don't want to talk.
It sucks when you constantly love the wrong person while the right person is dying to be loved by you.
You just walk in and out of my life while I'm trying hard to stay in yours.
We all have that friend that you want to tell how you feel about them, but you don't want to ruin the friendship.
I can't take back what was never mine
Care too little, you'll lose them. Care too much, you'll get hurt.
The hardest part of acting like you don't care, is knowing how much you actually do.
You flirt and then you diss her. You ignore and then you say you miss her. You kiss and then you ditch her. Sorry, but I don't get it
Every girl has that one guy that she keeps going back to, heartbreak after heartbreak
When someone gives you food out of nowhere, the first thing you say is, 'What did you do to it?'
I'm the person everyone replaces after a while.
My mind told me he's different. My heart told me he's the one. I didn't want to believe it when my ears heard: We are done.
Please understand if I see you again, I don't even say hello.
The only thing harder than walking away, is not looking back.
You changed, you left, you're gone. I'm still the same and I'm still holding on.
I hate checking my phone, and not seeing your name pop up anymore.
Sometimes someone has to make us cry, just to make us realize that we deserve someone who makes us smile.
Don't be mad cause I don't care anymore, be mad because I once did and you were too blind to see it.
That moment you realize that he is no longer yours, but hers
Remember she didn't walk away... You let her go.
I'm happier now that I don't have you to hurt me anymore.
I bet you thought that when you left, I'd cry. Truth is, baby, I'm fine, I'm Happy that I got rid of you.
Never fear the shadows. They simply mean there's a light somewhere nearby.