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Bekijk het gedicht Keep ur heads high. , geplaatst door Sammy.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'zelfvertrouwen'.

Keep ur heads high.

It ain't easy, 
To keep the man you love satisfied  
It ain't easy,  
To keep the one you love by your side 
A woman's work is never done 
Even if it stops, it goes on and on 
We work our fingers to the bone 
Gotta be home every time he'd phone 
Some times the going gets a little tough 
It's seems our best ain't good enough 
Keeps you losing sleep 
Seven days a week, 
To keep him happy you must sacrifice 
Be ready and willing to face lonely nights 
Do all you can and though he seems ungrateful 
Love your man true though he seems unfaithful 
But when his hope is gone and life gets him down 
That's when he'll say he needs you around 
It's hard to live with him 
Hard to live without him, 
You got to baby them with understanding 
When understanding is what they need 
We try hard to give them respect 
All that we get is their neglect 
But when their troubled, they need our love and care 
No matter when, we gotta be right there 
In between the crying, gotta keep trying,  
It ain't easy, girls, 

Door Sammy op 31-07-2004 om 00:27 0 3506
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