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Bekijk het gedicht Im not the girl..., geplaatst door *just.ky.ra*.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'verdriet'.

Im not the girl...

I’m not the girl u think I am… 
I’m the girl who always wears a mask 
A mask to hide her feelings and emotions 
A mask which only shows the bright side 
To make her feel better when she is sad 
I’m the girl who never shows her emotions 
Afraid for the reactions of the people 
Afraid to look foolish and stupid 
Afraid to be not wanted 
I’m the girl who wants to die 
To not trouble her friends anymore 
To not make people hurt and cry 
I’m the girl who cuts her hands 
I’m not the girl I think I am… 
but it's going better now.. :)

Door *just.ky.ra* op 13-04-2004 om 15:28 0 3762
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