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Bekijk het gedicht Girl, geplaatst door dolfie22.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'verdriet'.


Sometimes I see that little carefree girl again.
It breaks my heart when I see how she has become the girl she is now.
Things that never should've happen, happened.
That twinkle in her eyes, that big smile on her face, gone.
That big magical world full of colours, rainbows,
happiness, beauty, now seems never to have existed.
She learned about people, how they turned out to be.
She believed in second chances, trusted people who can't be trusted,
gave people her heart who didn't deserve it.
Again and again, she got hurt so many times.
And the worst thing was, nobody seemed to care. Everything changed.
She grew up, saw the hate, fear, cheats, grief and impotence.
It made her afraid, she started to build her own little world.
Closed everything and everyone outside to protect herself.
You can run for destiny, but not for yourself.
The loneliness came in and it didn't go away anymore.
There was no happiness in her life, not anymore.
Most of the time she wants to give up or prays for someone to kill her.
But there's that small little light, that says she can't,
that would go against everything she stands for.

Door dolfie22 op 09-01-2012 om 15:09 0 3637
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