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Bekijk het gedicht Hold your head up high , geplaatst door SaRaH.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'verdriet'.

Hold your head up high

Hold your head up high
You're never wrong
Somewhere in the right you belong
You would rather fight than walk away
What a lonely way to breathe the air
What another lovely way to say you care
Now we're too far gone for me to say
And I never thought that we'd come to this

Searching for the truth in your eyes
Found myself so lost to recognize
The person now that you, you claim to be
Don't know when to stop, where to start
You're just so caught up to who you are
Now you're far too high for me to see
I'd never thought that we'd come to this

Maybe there's beauty in goodbye
There just no reason left to try
You push me away
Another black day
I count up the reasons to cry
Look what you've missed, living like this
Nobody wins

You never say you're sorry
Try to tell me that you love me
But don't, its too late to take it there

Door SaRaH op 17-01-2008 om 00:16 0 3868
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