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Bekijk het gedicht She wants to tell him..., geplaatst door Charlotte5001.
Geplaatst in de categorie 'liefdesverdriet'.

She wants to tell him...

She's wearing a mask..
Nobody knows
what she feels
or what she's thinking of.

It's a mistery for the world.
She wants to show,
but there's something keeping her away
from doing that.

She's fighting
so she can show that one person
how she really feels.
She wants to tell him that she likes him

But she's scared, she's afraid,
that he'll let her down and break her heart
in more than a thousand pieces.
But all she wants to say is..

I love you in every way.

Door Charlotte5001 op 04-09-2011 om 20:12 0 3411
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