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Pink or blue
Pink or blue
It will surely make you bloom
with lullabies and smiles
and happiness in the eyes
let's welcome the little angel
who will spread lots of giggles
Love you
No one else will ever know
the strength of my love for you.
After all, you're the only one who knows
what my heart sounds like from the inside
Don't touch my belly
Unless you are the one who put this baby in her,
or the one who will take it out,
you are not allowed to touch my belly
success is like being pregnant...
everybody congratulates you,
but nobody knows how many
times you where fucked
before you got there
Life goes on
If there is one thing what I'm sure of in life,
it's that no matter what happens, it goes on
Ik heb er voor gekozen,
dat je nooit kwam.
Maar toch vergeet ik je niet..
ik hield toch van je
Strong people
Strong people know now to keep their life in order.
Even with tears in their eyes,
they still manage to say 'I am okay' with a smile.
Guys have no idea
Guys have no idea
how long something they said
can stay in a girl's mind.
The prettiest flower
Even the prettiest flower will die eventually
it's nature's way of teaching us...
that nothing lasts forever
Love like there's no more tomorrow.
Fly high like the birds and start living your world free
and stop caring about your haters.
And love the people who love you.
What you want
sometimes God doesn't give you
what you think you want,
not because you don't deserve it,
but because you deserve better.
That awkward moment
when Santa has
the same wrapping paper
as your mom...
Not good enough
I don't think
I will be good enough for anyone..
and that really scares me.
When I'm quiet
It's funny how, when I'm loud,
people tell me to be quiet,
but when I'm quiet,
people ask me what's wrong
Standing alone
Standing alone
is better than standing
with people who hurt you.
If you..
If you judge a fish
on it's ability to climb,
that fish is gonna live it's whole life
thinking it is stupid.
- Albert Einstein
World inside of me
I am the ocean
I am the sea
there is a world
inside of me
What would you do?
what would you
attempt to do
if you knew
you could not fail?
Do you ever wonder
Do you ever wonder how many people notice you?
But you don't notice them because you are too busy
noticing someone else that will never notice you?
Stay cool
If 'plan A' didn't work,
the alphabet has 25 more letters.
So stay cool!
Something you've never had
If you want something
you've never had,
then you've got to do something
you've never done.
people don't notice
the things we do for them,
until we stop doing it.
A few nice words
a few nice words
can help a person
more than you think
Now matter
now matter
how much you think
you hate school
you'll always miss it
when you've left
Wouldn't it be
the perfect crime,
if I stole your heart
and you stole mine
People who don't know me
think I'm quiet
People who know me
wish I was!
Worrying is a waste of time.
It doesn't change anything.
It messes with your mind
and steals your happiness.