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Liefde is blind, maar vriendschap is helderziend.
Have you ever noticed that a woman's "I'll be ready in 5 minutes" and a man's "I'll be home in 5 minutes", are exactly the same?
Dear periods, the only reason why I like you is because you're a sign that I'm not pregnant
Pink or blue
Pink or blue
It will surely make you bloom
with lullabies and smiles
and happiness in the eyes
let's welcome the little angel
who will spread lots of giggles
Love you
No one else will ever know
the strength of my love for you.
After all, you're the only one who knows
what my heart sounds like from the inside
Don't touch my belly
Unless you are the one who put this baby in her,
or the one who will take it out,
you are not allowed to touch my belly
success is like being pregnant...
everybody congratulates you,
but nobody knows how many
times you where fucked
before you got there
Life goes on
If there is one thing what I'm sure of in life,
it's that no matter what happens, it goes on
Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE
Chapter 2014, page 1 of 365
If love was a storybook, we'd meet on the first page.
Moving on is simple, it's what you leave behind that makes is so difficult
My greatest blessings call me mom ♥
You never leave my mind, even when I have a million things to worry about.
Nieuw jaar
Mensen maken zich druk om wat ze eten tussen kerst en nieuw jaar,
maar waar ze zich werkelijk druk om zouden moeten maken
is wat ze eten tussen nieuw jaar en kerst.
Get up, and do it!
Ik heb er voor gekozen,
dat je nooit kwam.
Maar toch vergeet ik je niet..
ik hield toch van je
I guess it's funnier from where you're standing, cause from over here I've missed the joke.
Tomorrow never came 4 you
That awkward moment when the person you like asks you who you like..
That awkward moment when your stomach gurgles loudly during the most quiet situations..
The awkward moment when you fail at being mad at someone because they make you laugh...
Strong people
Strong people know now to keep their life in order.
Even with tears in their eyes,
they still manage to say 'I am okay' with a smile.
You are my rainbow because you're always colouring my life.
Guys have no idea
Guys have no idea
how long something they said
can stay in a girl's mind.
The prettiest flower
Even the prettiest flower will die eventually
it's nature's way of teaching us...
that nothing lasts forever
Love like there's no more tomorrow.
Fly high like the birds and start living your world free
and stop caring about your haters.
And love the people who love you.
What you want
sometimes God doesn't give you
what you think you want,
not because you don't deserve it,
but because you deserve better.
That awkward moment
when Santa has
the same wrapping paper
as your mom...
Not good enough
I don't think
I will be good enough for anyone..
and that really scares me.
Your dreams can not come true unless you wake up.
When I'm quiet
It's funny how, when I'm loud,
people tell me to be quiet,
but when I'm quiet,
people ask me what's wrong
Standing alone
Standing alone
is better than standing
with people who hurt you.
If you..
If you judge a fish
on it's ability to climb,
that fish is gonna live it's whole life
thinking it is stupid.
- Albert Einstein
Everyone deserves a second chance, but not for the same mistake!
World inside of me
I am the ocean
I am the sea
there is a world
inside of me
When you know what you want, go and get it!
Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have
What would you do?
what would you
attempt to do
if you knew
you could not fail?
Do you ever wonder
Do you ever wonder how many people notice you?
But you don't notice them because you are too busy
noticing someone else that will never notice you?
Stay cool
If 'plan A' didn't work,
the alphabet has 25 more letters.
So stay cool!
Something you've never had
If you want something
you've never had,
then you've got to do something
you've never done.
When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen...
People can't change the truth, but the truth can change the people
Everyday of your life is a page of your history.
people don't notice
the things we do for them,
until we stop doing it.
A few nice words
a few nice words
can help a person
more than you think
Now matter
now matter
how much you think
you hate school
you'll always miss it
when you've left
Maybe I should do something with my life
It's funny how day by day, nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different
Wouldn't it be
the perfect crime,
if I stole your heart
and you stole mine
Hoeveel pijn kan je aan..
Hoeveel pijn kan je hart verdragen,
hoeveel ellende kan je doorstaan,
hoeveel rampen, tegenslagen,
hoeveel zware klappen kan je aan.
hoeveel leed kan kan je alleen verdragen,
hoe dapper moet je kunnen zijn,
om geen mens te laten merken,
dat je hart brak van de pijn.
hoeveel dromen moet je laten varen,
hoe sterk moet je op je benen staan,
om je zelfvertrouwen te bewaren,
en je niet totaal te laten gaan.
hoeveel tranen moet je laten vloeien,
voor de allerdiepste wond die heelt,
en de liefde nog een keer kan bloeien,
in een hart dat veel geleden heeft.
When you really want something
When you really want something,
sometimes you have to swim a little deeper...
You can't give up just because things don't come easy.
You have to overcome the obstacles and face your fears...
but in the end, it's all worth while.
Life is full of ups and downs,
but if you believe in yourself
you will always come through with flying colours...
Value friendship, love and faith...
Never underestimate yourself..
Believe in yourself!
Veel mensen denken alleen aan zichzelf
Niet aan iemand die alleen aan anderen kan denken
Ze voelen de pijn niet van die kinderen,
die daar alleen tegen een muurtje staan
Ze hebben al zo vaak gehuild,
maar de anderen zagen het niet
Nu huilen ze niet meer,
ze weten dat er niemand komen zal
Is het zo moeilijk om even je spotlight te delen
En te begrijpen dat iedereen anders is
Om te begrijpen dat het pijn doet,
als er nooit een schouder is geweest om op uit te huilen
En nooit iemand is geweest om mee te lachen
Mensen die stil zijn hebben vaak niets te zeggen,
ze weten dat er niemand luisteren zal
Is het zo moeilijk om die ene zin te zeggen
'Ik ben er voor je'
En dan niet dat je diegene daarna weer laat vallen
Maar dat je altijd voor hun klaar staat
Als ze het nodig hebben
People who don't know me
think I'm quiet
People who know me
wish I was!
Soms staan de mensen
die je het beste zouden moeten kennen,
het verst van je af.
Terwijl mensen van wie je het niet verwacht,
je juist een hart onder de riem steken.
Worrying is a waste of time.
It doesn't change anything.
It messes with your mind
and steals your happiness.
I never forget you
Every step I take,
Every move I make,
Every single day
every time I pray I'll be missing you.
I know you're in heaven smilin down,
whatching us while we pray for you,
Every day we pray for you,
Till the day we meet again,
In my heart is where I'll keep you.
Respecteer wie ik ben
Respecteer mijn gevoelens, mijn leven, mijn doen.
Respecteer hoe ik ben, wie ik mag, wie ik zoen.
Respecteer wat ik vind, wat ik denk, wat ik zeg.
Hoe ik me kleed, waar ik werk, waar ik voor sta en voor vecht.
Respecteer wat ik kies, al kies jij dat niet.
Respecteer mijn verschijning, wat je ook ziet.
Ik draag wat ik mooi vind, dat is wie ik ben.
Ik verander voor niemand, geen seconde, geen haar.
Dat vind je vast vreemd, heel dom en ook raar.
maar ik ben wie ik zijn wil en waar ik ook van hou,
Respecteer hoe ik ben, dan doe ik dat ook voor jou!
There are things
There are things
that we don't want to happen
but have to accept,
Things we don't want to know
but have to learn,
And people we can't live without
but have to let go..