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You never lose by loving; you lose by holding back
One day this pain will make sense to you
Some women are lost in the fire, some women are built of it
You're a victim of your mind
Waited. Got tired. Lost hope. Let go.
If the whole world is blind, how many people would you impress?
If you give up on me, I'm going to give up on me too.
Whenever I'm sad, I just stop being sad and be awesome instead.
Oww, is this the part where I care about what you think of me?
Ik ben een open boek, maar denk maar niet dat ik je ga voorlezen
The world gave up on her, so she gave up on herself.
She who leaves a trail of glitter, will never be forgotten.
Wishing does a whole lot of nothing.
Even hell can get comfy once you've settled in.
I just want to be happy. That's all I ever wanted.
You only fail when you stop trying
I'm just a dreamer caught in the middle of reality and make believe...
Magic is everywhere if you know where to look...
Damaged people are dangerous, because they know they can survive.
Fear is stupid, so are regrets. * Marilyn Monroe
I'm not giving up, just starting over.
Silence speaks when words can't
Sometimes you miss the memories, not the person
Dat ik snoep heb maakt me geen ander persoon, ik ben het zelfde meisje dat je normaal uitscheldt
Niemand is je tranen waard, maar degene die het is zal je nooit laten huilen
Nobody is worth your tears, but the one who is will never make you cry
Ga niet naast je schoenen lopen, dan kan een ander er mee vandoor gaan XD
Foto's kun je verbranden, herinneringen niet.
Ik ben ik, en het zal je nooit lukken om mij te veranderen
Meiden van Venus, jongens van Mars. Vind je het gek dat we elkaar niet begrijpen?
Liefde is als sinterklaas; je moet er in geloven, anders wordt het niks