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Love is not about who you live with.
It's about who you can't live without...
Falling in love
Falling in love
is when she falls asleep
in your arms
and wakes up
in your dreams.
Denk aan me
Denk aan mij terug
maar niet in de dagen van pijn en verdriet
Denk aan mij terug in de stralende zon
hoe ik was toen ik nog alles kon..
What is.. ?
What is more painful?
''When a person whom you trusted hurts you? ''
''The person whom you hurt, still trusts you?''
The story
Maybe it's not about the happy ending
Maybe it's about the story
Stil verdriet
Ingeslikte tranen
weggestopte pijn
een lach op je gezicht
maar stil verdriet
Liefde is een heleboel vriendschap
Plus nog een beetje meer.
Eén blik
Eén blik
Eén woord
Eén stille wenk
Elkaar zo kennen
is een geschenk.
Het is voorbij
Niemand riep, niemand veroorzaakte lawaai.
De zwembadverlichting schitterde,
terwijl mijn longen zich vulden met water.
Ik wist dat het nu voorbij was.
One day
One day I caught myself
smiling for no reason,
then I realized I was
thinking of you.
There will always be ...
There will always be
a 'lie' in believe
an 'over' in lover
an 'end' in friends
an 'us' in trust
and an 'if' in life
Every man needs a woman
when his life is a mess,
because just like in an game of chess;
the Queen protects the King
Sometimes two people
have to fall apart
to realize how much
they need to fall back
Be happy
Stop looking for
reasons you are not happy
Focus on the things you
do have. And the reasons
you should be happy.
focus on the pleople
who truly love
and care 'bout you.
Het bos
Ik wil naar buiten, naar het bos.
Naar de blaadjes die fluisteren.
Het mos dat je tranen opvangt.
De bomen die je beschermen.
Naar de struiken die je warm houden.
Mistakes are part of being human.
Appreciate your mistakes for what they are:
Precious life lessons that can only be learned
the hard way.
Te vroeg
Te vroeg kwam er een eind aan je leven
Je had nog zoveel te geven
Als een ster zul je aan de hemel staan
Om ons in het donker voor te gaan
je lippen waren als verse vruchten
ze smaakte elke keer naar meer
ik kuste ze zacht en proefde ze teder
maar helaas, het is niet meer
Freedom and slavery
I always wonder why
birds stay
in the same place
when they can fly
anywhere on the earth
A brighter day
For every dark night
there's a brighter day
waarom ik?
wat doe ik?
tranen over m'n wangen
Something stupid
Don't do something
permanently stupid
just because you're
temporarily upset
Rise above the storm,
and you will find the sunshine!
Not alone
When you hear
the leaves of trees singing...
You know you're not alone!
Life will keep bringing you
to the same test over and
over again untill you pass it!
When I close my eyes...
empty my head...
and open my heart...
the only thing I see is you!
You're like
a little angel.
Pure, honest
and beautiful!
Got to go on
No matter all the pain inside,
I can't quit. I got to fight.
Smack down on the ground.
Ain't no excuse to stop!
Stand up with pride
Is the way to the top!
Just because
I don't mind being there for you.
Just mind being the one you run to
just because everyone else is busy.
Find someone
Find someone
worth your tears,
worth your laughter,
worth your heart
and loves you as much
as you love them.
I know
I know it's over and it never really began,
but in my heart it was so real.
Love & Hate
You can love me or hate me,
I swear it won't make me or break me.
Keep your..
So keep your head high,
Keep your chin up,
And most importantly,
Keep smiling,
Because life's a beautiful thing
And there's so much to smile about.
the dream
that you and I
live together
will be a reality.
Loving words
Always leave loved ones
with loving words.
It may be the last time you see them.
So you're the bitch.
That told the bitch.
That I'm a bitch.
Well listen bitch.
It takes a bitch.
To know a bitch.
Wanted by many,
Taken by none,
Talking to some,
Just waiting for one.
Love you with all my..
I love you with all my butt,
I would say heart
but my butt is bigger.
A true friend
A true friend is the only person
who never gets tired
of listening to your own pointless dramas
over and over again.
When someone asks you to listen to a song,
it's because the lyrics mean everything
they're trying to say to you.
I love you
I love you,
not for what you are,
but for what I am
when I am with you.
In the middle of the night
That awful moment when
you're walking to the bathroom
in the middle of the night and
you feel like someone is behind you.
A friend is...
A friend is one that knows you as you are,
Understands where you have been,
Accepts what you have become,
And still allows you to grow.
De enige boy
Jij bent iemand,
Die me gelukkig maakt.
Jij bent de enige boy,
Die mijn hartje heeft geraakt.
Vrouwen maken zich mooi,
Omdat de ogen van mannen
beter ontwikkeld zijn,
dan hun verstand.
Positive thinking
Positive thinking
sees the invisible
feels the intagible
and can achieve the
Don't choose the one
who is beautiful to the world.
But rather choose the one,
who makes your world beautiful.
Mensen zijn jaloers
en gaan haten...
hebben geen leven
en willen praten...
Everybody wants sunshine
no one wants pain
you can't have a rainbow
without a little rain
Nobody is perfect..
you must be nobody ..
cause you're perfect to me!
Liefde is als een dobbelsteen...
het laat zich niet voorspellen
Na liefde?
Na regen komt zonneschijn..
en na liefde komt regen...