SMS Gedichten
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Soms dan is het bestaan,
weggevaagd, verloren, verdwaald
maar er is een realiteit
waarin we toch nooit begrepen worden
Jij en de ander
Jij bent blij, de andere heeft verdriet.
Jij lacht, de andere niet.
Jij wilt dat de andere ook lacht;
Maar de andere lacht omdat jij erop wacht.
1981, Pina Jones.
De dood.
Het gezicht....
...niets anders geworden dan...
...een bleek gelaat.
Terwijl hem het sterven
in mijn armen
te wachten staat....
Tranen komen blijven stromen
Ik wil weg heb dikke pech
Ik wil dood ben in de nood
Ik bloed heb geen moed
Ik lijd het zal blijven
Zal heel mijn leven lijden
Stil verdriet
Ingeslikte tranen
weggestopte pijn
een lach op je gezicht
maar stil verdriet
Ik was er altijd voor jou,
Maar waar was jij,
Ik had nooit gedacht dat je zo slecht zou zijn,
Dit vergeef ik je nooit meer!!
It hurts
you never see my tears,
but that doesn't mean i don't cry.
you have never felt my pain,
but that doesn't mean i don't hurt
Behind myself
Behind my smile is a hurting heart
Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart
Look closely at me and you will see
the girl I am
isn't me
I'm hurting
You can't see that I'm hurting,
You can't notice the pain.
It feels like everyone is sitting in sunshine,
While I drown in the rain.
You've spent a lifetime stuck in silence,
afraid you'll say something wrong.
The fact
I hate the fact
that the few people I let inside
injure me the most!
Sometimes when I say "I'm okay",
I want someone to look me in the eyes,
hug me tight and say, "I know you're not!"
You never know..
You never know what a person's been through in life.
All you know is what they show you.
You'd be surprised how many things a smile can hide.
A good heart
take care if you have a kind heart:
you give too much, love too much, trust too much
and the sad fact is...
you will hurt too much!!
waarom ik?
wat doe ik?
tranen over m'n wangen
The past
Realize that you can't change
stuff from the past.
But you can go with the flow
and deal with it!
Strong people
Strong people know now to keep their life in order.
Even with tears in their eyes,
they still manage to say 'I am okay' with a smile.
Worrying is a waste of time.
It doesn't change anything.
It messes with your mind
and steals your happiness.