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Love <3
So many ways
to say 'I love you'
Never enough
to say how much...
My biggest fear is...
... losing you,
so please don't make me
ever face that fear.
You have absolutely no idea
how much you mean to me!
Love you
I love you with all my heart
I love you even though life is hard
I love you not only as
if I do I do that my whole life
Kiss me,
infect me
with your love
and fill me
with your poison
The world
You know you are in love
when you see the world in her eyes,
and her eyes everywhere in the world.
I believe in ghosts,
I believe in miracles,
I believe in love on first sight,
and I believe in you and me!
Every night
Every night in my dreams
I see you. I feel you.
That is how I know
you go on.
Love <3
I Want To Be Yours
Not For A Day
I Want To Be Yours
Not For A Year
I Want To Be Yours
For A Life Time
~ Love You ~
love is big
love is small
love is great
Love is All
I love you
Love is love,
And love is you.
I love love,
So I love you
Find love
Don't find love, let love find you.
That's why it's called falling in love,
because you don't force yourself
to fall, you just fall.
It makes me love you
You make me blush,
you make me smile.
Those are things
I haven't been doing
for a while.
4 ever
I love you 2day
I love you 2morrow
put it together
and I love you 4ever
I love you
Honey, you're the one that keeps me going..
My rock, my support, my soulmate,
my lover and my best friend. I love you.
I love you
You will always
mean everything to me
I will love you
with every piece of my heart
You're mine
A relationship
is like a pair of socks.
You gotta have two
and they've gotta match.
You're my match.
My eyes
My eyes,
follow you
around the room
and I,
only ever
look at you.
You must know
you are
and ever will be
my dearest.
You need to look
in the mirror more often.
Only then you will see
how beautiful you really are.
Boy to me you're like a diamond
I love the way you shine
If I had a million dollar treasure
I would give it to the world
to keep you mine...