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I'm a strong girl, I keep my shit behind, even with tears streaming down my face I still manage to say "I'm fine"
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday, I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes, I'm coming home
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile!
It's not about where you come from, it's about where you are going.
Shadows fall, daylight dies, but freedom never got a place to hide
You can't live on sympathy
I had never thought I could win
Van binnen is hij zwart, omdat er geen licht bij kan. Daarom is hij niks waard...
You should've killed me when you had the chance.
You made me who I am, from the words you said.
No matter if I break down inside, you won't see the tears falling from my eyes.
Scheinheilig doen kan je goed, maar weet wel, schat, dat ik het terug doe (:
If you can't beat them, join them!
Just Because I'm Losing..... Doesn't Mean That I've Lost...
Take a walk in my shoes .. You'll fall on the first stép .. Just try :)
Sometimes you don't realize what you've done, until you've seen the damage.
I'm not that strong.
Ik ben geen opgever, maar ik vecht niet voor de dingen die toch nooit zullen komen.
The words you say don’t have a meaning!
*-)words are only words8-)
|| ..Try To Fly Away But It’s Impossible..(*)
:@ sommige mensen wil ik gewoon niet meer mee om gaan :@