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Do you honestly expect me to remember where all my scars come from
Your heart is empty, but mine is full of pain
The pain of having a broken heart is not enough to kill you but too much to let you live
The greater your capicity to love, the greater your capicity you feel pain
I trusted you, I loved you, you left me, you hurt me, are you happy now?
Het was eerst jij en ik, nu is het jij en zij .. (u)
How dare you tell me that you miss me when it is your fault that I'm gone?
Letting go is saying I'll miss your hand but I know it's not mine to hold and I will never hold it again anymore
They say you have to follow your heart. But what if your heart gets broken into pieces? Which piece should you follow?
You have quite a lot to say for the one that walked away.
Dying to know, afraid to find out.
I know that your'e not there and I know that you don't care. I think I'm better off alone..
When a heart breaks, it doesn't break even
My mates are all there trying to calm me down, cause I'm shouting your name all over town
They say I'm better off now than I ever was with her
You fake a smile, lie and say that you're better than ever and your life's okay when it's not
Do you know that girl that always loved you, forgave you, took you back? Pretty soon she will give up and find someone better.
Maybe I don't cry but it hurts, maybe I don't say but I feel, maybe I don't show but I care
I felt special. Until I realized you talk to everybody like that.
Sometimes I want to give you my sadness, not to hurt you - I would never hurt you - but just to show you how much you hurt me
I wish I could hurt you the way you hurt me but I know that if I had the change I wouldn't even do it
Verliefd op diegene die je hart gebroken heeft
Je weet pas echt dat je van iemand houdt, als je diegene wilt vergeten
It's hard for me to forget you completely, because you don't leave my mind and dreams. 3
Love is a serious mental disease
Guys like you are the reason why they made waterproof mascara
Do you really want to know how many nights a week I cry myself to sleep?
Do you know what hurts the most? Not knowing that he doesn't love me but knowing that he knows I do & he doesn't even care.
We should love and not fall in love because everything that falls gets broken
Her heart finally told her to stop wasting her time ;s
The truth is... I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart... and I never really got it back.
Funny how the heart can be deceiving, more than a couple times
Feelings don't die easily because we keep feeding them with memories
I'm just going to smile like nothing's wrong, act like everything is perfect and pretend like it's not hurting me.
Why don't we just fall in love?
You make it hard to smile for me, because you make it hard to breath..
Sommige mensen komen in je leven met een reden, andere zitten zo weer in je verleden.
Some people come into your life for a reason, others are right back in your past.
There will always be that one person who treated you horrible but if he'd say I love you, you would say it back
Why don't we go back to the start?