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Het leven is net een les, maar dan wel een hele leuke... :-)
.°¤*(?'°(F)(L) Ik Wou Dat Het Leven Anders In Elkaar Zat....!!(L)(F)°'?)*¤°.
De moeilijkste Vrijheid is niet de Vrijheid die je jezelf geeft, maar die je de ander geeft!
Every man dies, not every man really lives.
:D Zie het leven zoals iedereen het ziet :D
°-° It'S tiMe To Go CraZy °-°
...::~~ Think B - 4 Ya Act ~~::...
I DoNt CarE WhAt PeOpLe ThInK Of Me!! OnLy GoD CAn JuDgE Me!!
A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets!
:DLook in my eyes what do you see (L)only me(K) got nothing to hide, seek and you'll find,(F) what's on my mind:)
Blinded by love & hate, I grabbed the knife i didn't know it would change my life
=> You don't know what it is to have a life just like mine <=
People Think I'm Crazy ! Am I ? I Don't Think So ! Most Of The Time I'm Just Bored ! :-)
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice
I just never took the time ....(D)
LoVe iS LiFe 'Nd LifE iS liVinG..iT's veRy sPeCiaL
i see no changes wake up in the morning and i ask myself if life worth living should i blast myself?
Better To life Than to Die...Eventough that could be a lie..But Try..Its Not To Late To forget Or HaTe...(U)
never say things as : never or 4-evah because that kind of thing you can't examble
(*) being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect !! (*)
.::I'm So ExCiTeD, AnD I jUsT cAn'T hIdE iT, I'm AbOuT tO lOsE cOnTrOl AnD I tHiNk I lIkE iT::.
All I Need Is Someone Who Will Alwayz Be There, Someone Who Really Cares.. !!
Nobody likes me, but that's okeej... cuz i don't like y'all anywayz (h)