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Memories give me the strength I need to proceed.
Always be yourself, because the people that mind don't matter and the people that matter don't mind...
Time will tell
Just because I don't speak about my problems, doesn't mean they don't exist.
Let's make life our own kind of game, where we can break the rules & make it our own, cause we don't care what others say :)
A flower grows everytime it rains...
Whatever they tell, you're bigger than words. I've been where you're standing, I know how it hurts
Don't waste your life, dreaming of a better one ...
You're perfect, babe, because God hasn't made any mistake <3
Don’t cry, life is too short to be unhappy! (:
Who says you're not beautiful?
When hope is gone, look inside and be strong! '.
Believe in your self and follow your heart(L)
► Play The Moments ▌▌Pause The Memories ■ Stop The Pain ◄◄ Rewind The Happiness.
what's meant to be will always find it’s way.
A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is
There are a hundred reasons why I should give up, but you're the one reason I keep going.
If your heart can not say what you want, you should trust your instincts.
Smile, and the world will smile back! :D
Forget the past and make a new start, follow your own path and listen to your heart.
Sooner than it seems, life turns away (F)
Just get back up..when it knocks you down(w)
Believe in yourself (s)
Keep smiling =) and don't cry =(
The sun will always shine. Even in hard times.
People change, things go wrong but always remember; life goes on.
You must fight, for then you will be sure..
[F]ollow [Y]our [D]ream...(*)
smile, even when it hurts.
Naam..(D) .The heart Keeps telling you don't give up! (L)
Don't copy a person , Just be Yourself
' hug harder, laugh louder, smile bigger, love longer.
Anything can change, If you just want it. «3
_R.E.S.P.E.C.T_ !
Live like you never lived, love like you never loved, smile like you never smiled, but don't cry like you've never cried.
(F) Believe in what you want, believe in what you do, never give up, and all you dreams will come true!! (F)
'- (f) Never give up the things that makes you smile × (L)
I've got to move on and be who I am (*)
Never Give Up! :)
I'm Gonna Smile And Tell The Whole World I'm Fine •!