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Maybe one day there is a chance that we can live how we want to live.
I believe that one day we will meet again and I want you to know that until that day, I will be missing you
Don't you worry, you pretty, little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine
Never give up on something you really want
I told you to never call of text to me again, but every time my phone rings, I still hope it is you
Wishing does a whole lot of nothing.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be
I wish you could see how good this can be...
I want to be the person you're scared to lose.
Hold on, things will be ugly before they get beautiful
Live in the moment, always.
If not now, when?
Just hope, but nothing changes...
If you get lost, you can always be found
You know, we can't always win, but we can always try.
No matter how hard life is, don't lose hope
When the world says: Give up! Hope whispers: Try it one more time
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Prepared for the worst but still praying for the best
I'll never make that mistake again.
Just because I'm losing, doesn't mean I'm lost. (L)
When you have to make a difficult decision flip a coin, cause when that coin is in the air you suddenly know what you're hoping for
Call me maybe..
Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have
High heels, high hopes!
One tree can start a forest.
One day it will all be better (F)
When a bright moon ends a dark day, a brighter one will follow
Hope, love and friendship. That's all we need.
There is or there ever will be
# I don't care if you need more time to think and figure things out, I'll wait.. I just know I wanna be with you!
Give me a reason to believe you (F)!
sometimes she just wants to sleep all day because her dreams are the only thing that keep her hopes up.
And I still wish I was in that picture again, with you, in your arms.
Every night I fall asleep with the hope that you’d call. And when you don’t, it hurts way more than it should..
if you can't find love (l) you have to keep looking for it (l)
- Naam - Your love is my hope -
Never hope and life won't dissapoint you
When the world turns... There's hope!
Somewhere in this darkness...There's a light