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Rise Above Hate!
Before you judge me, try to walk in my shoes.
I don't hate you, but let's put it this way. If I had a bucket of water & you were on fire. I'd drink the water ;)!
You're calling me a b*tch? Watch and learn: B, beautiful ; I, important ; T, talented ; C, charmant; H, hot
Not a million fights could make me hate you.
Karma tastes so sweet
Who do you think you are?
Don't try to win the game... You're only gonna lose
Hey, Never mind what haters say, ignore them 'til they fade away
Somebody's gonna cry tonight... but it won't be my tears
You think that you know me but you don't know a thing about me
I Am Not Insulting You. I'm Just Describing You.
You can hate me, but I'm not changing for you
I hate hearing something that absolutely kills you inside, and having to act like you don't care
I couldn't give a damn what you said to me
To anyone who ever told you that you're no good... They're no better
Yes, I'm a girl, I can go from normal to biaaatch in 0.5 seconds
The amazing feeling of Victory when you see Karma kick someone's Asss
Revenge? Nah, I'm too lazy, I'm gonna sit here and let karma f*ck you up.
I hate it when my friends change, just because they meet new people.
If I really was a bitch, I'd make your life a living hell, but instead, I'll just sit back and watch you do it yourself
Don't leave your man with me, 'cause he won't come back
ღ. Keep talking behind my back.You're making me famous.ღ
Call me a bitch & I will show you one.
When you cry -- I smile :)
I'm not arrogant, I'm just better than you'll ever be.
You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul.
You should better say it in my face because when you say it behind my back, the others will also see what kind of girl you are.
Bitch. I'll get 99% of your beauty away with water and a cloth.
Eat some make-up, maybe you will become pretty from the inside
Back? Feelings. My fxcking feelings for you, so stop talking to me before I do the unthinkable of possibly liking you again
Your attitude can hurt me, but mine will kill you :)
People Talk Sh*t, But I Don't Care (:: !
You broke my heart! .. And now I'm gonna break your heart (6) !
Don't Cry. Just Say FxckYou And Smile (: !
You're so sad, you should buy a HappyMeal!(L)
Talk Shit Behind Ma Back. Your'e A hater 4 that ;)(*)
Do not hate what you can't ''IMITATE'' :)
I'm blind to you, hatersss!
Love me or hate me! I don't care... ;)