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[ (F)..:: LoVe Iz THe OnLy GaMe.. YoU LoSe IF yOu doN't PlaY iT ::..(F) ]
?°¤*»-(¯'v'¯)-» ..::*GaViN*::..Plz NevaH LeaVe Me,Cuz You & Me Are MenT 2 Be! »-(¯'v'¯)-»?°¤*
look into in my eye's and then you'll see what you mean to me!!
er was een een vogel die vlog in het rond en floep toen zat hij in je kont
enkel de vogeltjes die vliegen van west naar midden denhaag omdat wij blanke niet meer in t centrum willen zijn...
ik heb de hele n8 ligge dromuh van je stem van je mond van je lijf van je kont
But i can't play the game of love whit you...
You ain't see the best of me yet...
BoY YoU ThoUgH M4H H34rT BuT YoU N3v3R G3T Th3m...!!
ik ben niet arrogant:@!!... ik ben gewoon geweldig :)(A)
ik weet waarom ik vrijgezel ben!:)....mn schoonouders konden geen kinderen krijgen!:(
[.....::I love you::.....]--» 4 life you are so sweet:) luv ya (l)
Oor van een belg zit in het verband nederlander:wat is er gebeurd?belg: ik was aan het strijken en toen ging de telefoon
×<>×<>×..::[Do you know how much i love you? My Feeling For You? It's ONE Word UNBELIEVEBLE]::..×<>×<>×
(U) why don't you walk away (U)
Hokus Pokus Iedereen kan toveren *~~ FLOEP~~* Shit jij bent nog steeds lelijk :S
If You Lose Your Watch You Can Ask Me The Time...But If You've Lost Your Boyfriend Don't Fuck With Mine!
I still want you back, but you don't want me anymore... so it's time 4 me to see I have 2 close the door!
Why don't we just give up, cause we knew from the start, that one day adventualy our relationship would fall appart
So you finnaly got the feeling that you're dying? DAMN it was about 2 get time! cause I always was the 1 who was crying
so you want me back? now that I finnaly got over you? Well SORRY babe to bad cause now I'm taken 2! sweet revange gheghe
I will always be there 4 you no matter what happens, cause you're the only 1 for me, why can't you see???
-=[..::Mi³::..]=-I wanna tell joe Something..That i love jo³..and I wish we could run ² the sun..And never come back..:-
I still love and I still care... but you don't talk 2 me anymore cause when I need you, you're never there!!
We weren't sistahs by birth, but we knew from the start... we would be sistahs by heart!
I don't know him, and I don't care 2... so don't be jalouse, cause I don't love him but only YOU!!
Als woorden zoude betekene hoeveel ik van je hou... dan denk ik dat ik nog lang bezig blijve zou
Open your eyes... The only thing you will see is the little me!!
I knew from the start... That you would be the only 1 who had the key to my heart! (L)... k!$$e$Z to ya!!
WhAt'S lIvE... LiVe=LoVe WhAt'S lOvE... lOvE=kIsSiNg WhAt'S kIsSiNg... CoMe HeRe AnD i'LL ShOw YA
[*Da DaY Ya WeRe BoRn..*] [*iT RaiNeD aLL DaY..*] [*CuZ Da HeAvEn CRieD..*] [*4 iT's MiSSiN' a AnGeL*]
Baby There's A Reason Why We Met....Why We Still Are Holding On....I Never Knew A Love So Strong....
Hij gaf me een roos met de woorden: als ie verwelkt, kom ik terug. bleek ie van plastic te zijn!
vier woorden deden me smelten, vier woorden deden me rillen vier woorden deden me kwijlen vier woorden ik houvan jou!
(6)(a) Nasty Angel (6)(a)
(R)(K)SoMe LoVe ThReE sOmE lOvE tWo I lOvE oNe AnD tHaT iS yOu!!!(L)(K)
(L)I lIkE a DoG i LiKe A cAt BuT i LoVe YoU mOrE tHaN tHaT(K)(L)