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Verlangens om jou te horen, verlangens om jou te zien. Maar jij laat niets van je horen, niets van je zien.
If you say my eyes are beautiful, it's because they are looking at you!!
See me like an bulletproof vest, I can't stop the bullet from hitting you, but i can lither the pain
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it
Here you come again, looking better then a body has the right to....
You're the puzzle piece behind that couch who makes the sky complete... :$
Dont try to figure me out, just love me for who I am!
For all you people that talk about me... I got one word for you... *Jealousy*
It's kinda sick how I'm stuck on you, but I don't care cause I'm needin you....
Baby it's you, know that you're that one for me, it's clear for everyone to see
Waarom ben jij nu uit mij leven, waarom ben jij nu niet gebleven?
Er zijn dingen die een mens niet kan vergeten, maar helaas zijn die mooi oude tijden nu versleten...
Let me show you the way, it's a game that we play, everyday, so easy
A smart boy can open my mind, a pretty boy can open my eyes, but only a sweet boy can open my heart
I like to slit my wrist because I like blood a lot .. so give me a knife and i will die..
I can't find the words who describe my love for you!!
Ik gaf om jou.. Ik deed alles voor jou... Maar nu... Ik heb geen eens respect meer voor jou!!
The only thing you see.. is that thing you want from me....
Don't go out and diss me when you know one day you'll miss me...
Je wist wat ik voelde, je wist wat ik wou, je wist hoeveel ik van je hield, maar het was te moeilijk voor jou...
Mijn mond is mijn geweer, m'n woorden zijn kogels, ik ben de jager en jullie zijn vogels
Love is a burning desire, it's you that I admire, love is being with you, someone saying 'I love u too'
I got dreams in hidden places, extra smiles when i'm blue, just because I love you
Geen zee is mij te diep, geen rivier is mij te breed, maar in jouw ogen verdrink ik
An angel is what I was meant to be, that's why being sweet comes so naturally
Hoe vertel ik jou, dat de liefde die je voelde, binnenkort verdwijnt ...
If I could pick a moment, alwas keep it new, out of all the moments I loved, I would pick the moment I met you!
The state of my heart, the place where we are, was written in the stars
If im a bird than you are my seed, because you are the only one I need
Could it be that I have found an angel, I can see heaven in your eyes
Fly! Open up the part of you that wants to hide away!
If you would be the moon, I would be the star... so we could be together no matter were we are..;)
A certain smile, a certain touch, a certain way, I love so much
Er is een man gevonden, hij heeft rotte tanden en een verbrijzeld gezicht... Leef jij nog?
Music Was My First Love, And It Will Be My Last!
For being with you takes me to a different place... a place called love
All he has to do is smile and it makes my whole day worthwile
If you look into my eyes, you will see me. If you look into my heart, you will see you!!
That first kiss we shared thogether... It was not just a kiss, It was love we shared thogether