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Without you, I'm nothing.
Forgive me for what I've done, I didn't knew it would hurt you.
You should've killed me when you had the chance.
The most beautiful clothes a woman can wear, are the arms of the man she loves. <'33
Some girls have 7 boys for 7 days, but I have one for always.
My favorite song is his voice.
Het spijt me, lieve schat; Ik kan niet het uiterlijk van Barbie hebben en tegelijkertijd het innerlijk van Heilige Maria.
I will fight for you until your heart stops beating <3
I'm feeling like a star x You can't stop me shining!
You are my desire. My heart is so on fire because of you. Can't stop loving you ♥
Ik flash harder dan alle fototoestellen samen *
Ik had een gouden hartje dat is nu veranderd in steen. Mijn mentaliteit is nu; Fxck iedereen.
Sometimes the truth hurts more than lies do
When I look in your eyes, it couldn't be better! (L)
Het doet pijn om te zien dat zij een veel betere vriendin is..
Je bent me kwijt. Later zul je het wel beseffen.
I made a big mistake by lovin' you! :$
You Got Me Crazy! :$
Niemand is je tranen waard.
You have the key to my heart; Why don't you use it?
Never fight against yourself, you will always lose
Why do they call it crushes? Because it hurts so much?
Love is giving someone the power to break your heart, but trusting them not to.
Never give up on love <3
8 letters, 3 woorden, 1 betekenis; I LOVE YOU!
Jij bent de hemel en de aarde voor mij.
You made me who I am, from the words you said.
Some day you will wish you were a better man.
Do I look like a videogame? No? So why are you playing with me?
You're perfect, babe, because God hasn't made any mistake <3
Don’t cry, life is too short to be unhappy! (:
Every night she falls asleep with her headphone blasting with a song that reminds her of a boy who never cared.
Sometimes goodbye is the only way.
Liefde kwam Vriendschap tegen en vroeg: Waarvoor dien jij? Vriendschap antwoordde: Om de tranen te drogen die jij laat vallen.
You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul.
Hij noemde haar een ster en mij maar de zon. Sterren schijnen wel, maar verdwijnen wanneer ik opkom.
The only thing you’ll get is this curse on your lips, I hope it will taste like me forever.
You should better say it in my face because when you say it behind my back, the others will also see what kind of girl you are.
I'm better than you're ex and I'm better than you're next!
Who says you're not beautiful?