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Freestyle Gedichten

Gedichten langer dan 160 tekens.


More then less
Lupus is
a terrible

is a cd
named after her
who's own body
(by Lupus)
her worst

That's why
Julian Lennon
made this cd.
The money of it goes to
the Lupus-charity.

James Scott Cook also is
playing at this cd;
Isn't that enough reason
to buy it,
for you and me?

So plz, support this charity.
I also made this poem
in memoriam
of Lucy......

May Peace be with you now, Lucy.....

Door PinaJones op 30-08-2015 om 01:28 0 2953
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Our Epilepsy.

November 2013 is the month of awareness

Of epilepsy.

Some people have the right medicines,

like me.

Other people tried medicines.....tried them nearly all

And every time again, by the epilepsy,

they fall.

Please help these people,

like my girlfriend and me.

Whom both have


Don't wait!

‘till Its too late!

Over het gedicht:

Toen ik in 1974 op de MAVO zat, was de ziekte epilepsie taboe. Ik kreeg toen ook een toeval op school en ben later daarom erg gepest.

Hierdoor werd ik eigenlijk gediscrimineerd omdat ik een ziekte heb, zo zie/voelde ik het. Daarom ben ik zo fel tegen iedere vorm van discriminatie.

En daarom schreef ik in 1980 dit gedicht: (Dit staat misschien ook op andere sites van me):


Je wist van te voren,

waar je aan begonnen was....

...Waarom moet ik dan nu van jou horen,

hoe je denkt over mijn 'ras'.....

Door PinaJones op 28-08-2015 om 05:12 0 2779
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Everybody misses you

We're so sorry you're not feeling well. 
We hope you're better soon. 
So we're bringing you some sunshine 
By singing you this tune: 
Everybody misses you 
And though we hate to cause a fuss 
We'd like to say, "Get well soon!" 
And "Please don't die on us." 

Door Tinkel op 24-05-2004 om 22:57 0 3574
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