Freestyle Gedichten
Gedichten langer dan 160 tekens.
My friend
You're my friend,
you've got a good heart.
You make me happy,
we will never be apart.
You make me smile,
I forget my worries for a while.
I hope you'll see that
in the same way as I do.
There was a time, life was perfect.
I had the time of my life at school,
I never had a fight at home and no trouble with boys.
But that time is over, I have a lot of trouble at home
and guys, i don't even gonna start about it!
But my friends, they're still the BEST!
Friends may come and friends may go.
But I know you all my life.
And I know that we will be friends forever.
Cause I'm always there for you.
And you're there for me.
That's why I call you my BF!
Ending friendship
There's one person,
who I'd like to apologize to.
I think that he or she won't ever read this,
but i'm sorry.
It wasn't just your fault, and if I could I'd make it good.
But the thing is, somehow we can't fix this,
we've changed way too much, and we moved on.
We've had amazing times together,
and it's sad that our friendship just ended without any reason.
I was walking down the street
not knowing what to do
thinking support is what I need
and that is when I met you
you took me by the hand
and looked me in the eye
you told me that you would understand
and said you would never say goodbye
you put your arms around me
and squeezed me really tight
from that moment I could see
that I was going to be alright
because I knew that I had a friend
who I could always call
someone that would lend a hand
and that’s the best gift of all!
Inside my soul
Deep inside my soul..
I wanna know..
What's changing people so..?
Don't make enemies only true friends..
Because when you fall
your need a helping hand..!
Little message
I send this little message
With a flower just for you
Because you are so special
And just so thoughtful to
I've been so very lucky
To have you just as a friend
And any time You need it
I've got a hand to lend it.
Let me be...
I don't want you to think
That I did it for you
I was never in love
That much was always true
I never wanted you to know
That I liked you as a friend
I thought that would brake your heart
But now I can't take it back
Were you angry at me?
Were you sick and tired of me?
Was this road to long?
was there no one there for you?
I will always be there for you
as a friend, nothing more
just a friend
your best friend
Let me be....
Just a friend
Any friend......
My best friend!
You are my best friend,
And I love you.
You were always there to love me.
When I didn’t love myself,
You bring out the best in me,
And I thank you.
Thank you for my life thanx for your advice,
Your wisdom and your strength.
Friends are smiles, laughs and tears
Friends are days and minutes, months and years
Friends are joy, fears and pain
Friends are hopes and dreams that never go away
Friends are loyal
That's the way it will always be
Friends are a gift from God
And you're that friend to me
A friend is!
A friend is someone good...
A friend is someone nice...
A friend is someone sweet...
A friend is someone just like YOU!
Too special
Your smile when were laughing
lets me know we are friends
The feeling, when you're on a holiday trip
lets me know I miss you
The way we're friends,
tells me I never want to lose you.
I hope...
The way I write tells you the same things
Dear Friend,
I don't wanna lose you
Because you're too special
And loved by me
Be my friend.
* I MusT Be BorN UndeR A LucKy StaR*
* 2 FinD A FrienD As NiCe As YoU Are*
* And I wiLL FoLLoW The RaiNboW UntiL The EnD *
* IF YoU ProMiSe 4 eveR 2 Be My FrienD *
A friend
Accepts you the way you are
Believes in you
Calls you just to say "Hi"
Doesn't give up on you;
Evisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over
Just "Be" with you
Keeps you close at heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life
Never judges
Offers support
Pics you up
Quiets your fears
Raises your spirit
Says nice things about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understands you
Values you
Walks besides you
X-plains things you don't understand
Yells when you won't listen
Zaps you back to real!
Never end.
I Mett You As A Stranger,
I Love You As A Friend,
I Hope We Meet In Heaven,
So Our Friendship Will Never End
Glad i've met you.
My best friend
You can say you are
Nobody can reach that level
Not even by far
Talking with you
is already a bless
laughing with you
makes everything less
Our smile to the world
is seen in different hearts
Our friendship will not fall
in different parts
I can say
I’m glad I’ve ever met you
Cause to live without you
There is just no need to
Roses are red, violets are blue, don't take my friendship away from you!!
Best friend!
Best Friends
¤ Best Friends 0f mine,
¤ Closer then Close..
¤ We can Talk about
¤ Everything..No matter
¤ what You are:
¤ always 0n my side..
¤ You are Everything to me,
¤ Never left me Side..
¤ Always hear me when
¤ i'm Callin, even Catch
¤ me when i'm Fallin..
¤ That's Why i Love You..
¤ You know that i'm always
¤ here for You..
¤ in good and Bad Times
¤ You can always call me
¤ if You Need Somebody
¤ to talk You..
¤ Even when it's in
¤ the Middle of the Night
¤ When you cry.. i cry..
¤ We cry Togheter..
¤ You know i Love You
¤ with al my Heart..
¤ And it will Always be that Way
¤ 'Caus you're the Best Friend
¤ someone could ever Have..
¤ And i'm happy that u choose
¤ me to be your Best Friend
A friend!
A friend gives hope when life is low
a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go
a friend is honest, a friend is true
a friend is precious, that friend is you
written with a pen
sealed with a kiss
if you are my friend
please answer this
are we friends or are we not
you told me once but i'll forgot
and when i die before you do i'll go to heaven and whait fore you
if you think you luck has end remember then you got a friend