Freestyle Gedichten
Gedichten langer dan 160 tekens.
Make u mine.
GiRl...I WaNnA MaKe U MiNe,
CuZ Ur LoOkIng Oo So FiNe,
TaStInG LiKe ThE SwEeTeSt WiNe.
Ur HoTtEr ThAn ThE ShUnShInE.
Ur ThE 1 ThAt I deSiRe,
ThE 1 ThAt I AdMiRe,
OnLy U CaN PuT Me On FiRe.
Pray for the day.
GiRl...I'lL PrAy FoR ThE DaY,
ThaT We ArE ToGeThEr.
I WaNnA ShOw U In EvErY WaY,
ThAt My LuV FoR U LeSs 4 EvEr!
4 show.
GiRl...I'm SiTtIn' At HoMe AnOtHeR LoNeLy NiGhT,
I WiSh U WeRe HeRe So I CoUlD HoLd U TiGhT.
I'm ThInKiN' Of WaYs So I CoUld WiN Ur HeArT,
BuT I'm So CoNfUsEd, DuNnO WhEre 2 StArT.
WhAt CaN I Do So I CaN HaVe Ur LuV,
WhAt WiLl It TaKeS, CuZ I WoN't GiVe Up.
TeLl Me ThE ThInGs I NeEd To KnOw,
CuZ My LuV FoR U AiN't 4 ShOw!
Stop breathin.
GiRl...WhEn I LoOk In Ur EyEs,
ThErE's No MoRe ReAsOn FoR LiEs.
I DoNt WaNna Be LeAvIn',
It'S U I BeLiEvE In.
LoVe U TiLl ThE DaY I StOp BrEaThIn'!
If love.
If love was water, You would be my ocean.
If love was light, You would be my sun.
If love was a present to wish, Its you I get for christmas.
Stand up!
No MaTtEr AlL ThE PaIn InSiDe,
I CaN't QuIt I GoTtA FiGhT.
SmAcK DoWn On ThE GrOuNd
AiN't No ExCuSe To StOp.
StAnD Up WiTh PrIde
Is ThE WaY To ThE ToP!
We'Re BeSt FrIeNdS 4 EvEr,
OuR LaUgHtErS WeNt 4 NeVeR.
WhErE EvEr U ArE, No MaTtEr HoW FaR.
U CaN AlWaYs CoUnT On Me,
JuSt GiMmE A CaLl
AnD U WiLl SeE!
Best friends!
Ur My BeSt FrIeNd,
ThaT UnTiLl ThE EnD!
ThRoUgH GoOd & BaD TiMes,
We StAy ToGeThEr,
LiKe BeSt FrIeNd 4 EvEr
Girl in my mind.
There's a girl in my mind.
She's sweet, she's kind.
And I hope, She's the one I will find.
The only one.
GiRl...U GoT Me LiKe A ZoMbIe.
MaKe Me Ur SlAvE 4 Ur My LaDy.
CrOnIc LiKe A BoMb
BlOw Me Up If Ur GoNe.
CuZ Ur TrUly ThE OnLy OnE
Brighten the day!
It's the little things
that mean so much
A hug from a friend
a tender touch
A note from a friend
that's far away
Always seems to
brighten the day!
Love in Return.
The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and to be loved in return!
Many will walk in and out our live
But only true friends leave foodprints.
friendship is like a glass
handle it with care,
ones it's broken it's hard to repair!
I sent angels to watch over you...
but they came back early...
because they don't have to watch over another angel...!
When I lie.
I didn't mean to hurt you ..
I didn't mean to make you cry ...
Maybe i really love you ...
Hehe aren't i cute when i lie!!!!
If you feel the inspiration,
to complete the population,
take a boy behind the door,
put him softly on the floor,
if the boy comes not in action,
you can get no satisfaction!!!
Are we friends,
or are we not?
You told me once,
but I forgot!
So tell my now
and tell my true,
so that I can say:
"I'm there for you!"
Of all the friends I ever met,
you're the one I won't forget!
And if I die before you do,
I go to heaven and wait for you!
I'll give the angels back their wings
And I losing everything than you!
Promise to stay my...
Why do you make me feel this way .
Feeling betrayed , feeling pushed away.
Why do you make me feel so bad.
Feeling so hurt , feeling so sad .
What have i done to make you turn .
I'm feeling so lost , i'm feeling so burned
if you really cared you'd make a change .
So i could feel the pleasure and not the pain.
Little bit more.
What are you doing to me?
i realy don't know.
what do i have to do?
To make you see.
al the time you walk me by,
and don't say a word.
don't you see nothing more,
than yourself?? on this big big earth?
i just wish you'd see,
just a little bit more,
maybe someone like me,
when you walk through that door.
So boy please think about it,
i realy like you,
now i'm telling the truth,
I admit.